Book of the week |
A plausible man : the true story of the escaped slave who inspired Uncle Tom's cabin
By Susanna Ashton
"A Plausible Man unfolds as a historical detective story, as Susanna Ashton combs obscure records for evidence of Jackson's remarkable flight from slavery to freedom, his quest to liberate his enslaved family, and his emergence as an international advocate for abolition. This fresh and original work takes us through the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the restoration of white supremacy--where we last glimpse Jackson losing his freedom again on a Southern chain gang. In the spirit of Tiya Miles's prizewinning All That She Carried and Erica Armstrong Dunbar's Never Caught, Susanna Ashton breathes life into a striving and nuanced American character, one unmistakably rooted in the vast sweep of nineteenth-century America."
Permalink Last updated 02/19/2025 by S. WilsonWhat's related
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