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Cocks and Misfortune:

If a family keeps poultry, and is a cock among them crows between sun-set and mid-night [sic], that particular bird must be strangled immediately to overt misfortune!


Submitter comment:

The superstition is proper to the Batooro tribe of about 100,000 poeple of Uganda.

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James Callow comment:

Original BN [P530, P880] crossed out/replaced with current classifications

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT ; Tinkasimire, Br Joseph

Keyword(s): ANIMALS ; BELIEF ; CUSTOM ; ETHNIC ; FARMING ; MISFORTUNE ; Omens ; Poultry ; SUPERSTITION ; Tribe ; Uganda

Subject headings: Observation
BELIEF -- Bird

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Ethnic: Newfoundland

Historical record from James Callow Folklore Archive.


A newfoundler was travelling on an airplane. While in flight one of the plane's four engines konked out. The pilot addressed himself to the passengers advising them not to worry because there were still three good engines.

A second engine konked out. The pilot again told the passengers not to worry because two engines would safely get the plane to the air-port. The third engine konked out. The pilot again told the passengers not to worry because they were nearing the airport and still had one good engine.

The fourth engine konked out. The Newfoundler lamented: "Damn, now we'll be in this airplane all day."

Submitter comment:

Informant found the joke amusing.

Informant found this quite amusing.

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BN and Motifs added by TRD

James Callow comment:

Submission card located in pile marked [?]

Where learned: HOME ; McHugh, Paul

Keyword(s): Airplane ; ETHNIC ; HUMOR ; JOKE ; Newfoundland ; Offensive ; Pilot ; STUPIDITY

Subject headings: PROSE NARRATIVE -- Stupid man or woman
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Pickling: you can't pickle beans or make kraut while on your period or it will ruin.

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James Callow comment:

Original BN [P535] crossed out.

Submission card found in pile marked [?]

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; 1971 MORRELL ; DETROIT ; Dunsmore, Sarah

Keyword(s): Canning ; COOKING ; FOOD ; MENSES ; MENSTRUATION ; Period ; Pickling ; TABU

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Custom

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Ethnic Joke: Newfoundland

Historical record from James Callow Folklore Archive.

A minister is walking down the street of a small community in Newfoundland and runs into a drunk.

Minister: You shouldn't drink so much - you'll never get to heaven that way.

Drunk: I bet I'll get to heaven faster than you will.With that the drunk drops dead in the street and a few days later the minister passes on. The minister finds himself in Hell and asks the Devil for a reconsideration. The Devil lets him make a phone call to heaven to ask why he is in Hell.

Minister: Hello, is this Heaven?

Voice: Yes, this is Mary.

Minister: The Blessed Virgin Mary?

Mary: No - not since that Newfie came up here.

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Motifs and BN added by TRD

James Callow comment:

Submission card located in pile marked [?]

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT ; Bennett, Al

Keyword(s): DEATH ; DEROGATORY ; DRUNKENNESS ; ETHNIC ; Icons ; Innuendo ; Minister ; Newfoundland ; RELIGION ; SEX ; VIRGIN MARY

James Callow Keyword(s): Newfoundland

Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Ill humor Ridicule Mockery
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Ethnic: Korean

Korean Burial Custom:

In Korea, burial sites are usually found on the sides of mountains with boundaries marked by two pillars. Once a year, (exact time not revealed by informant) food for deceased is borught and placed upon a platform.

Submitter comment:

Informant believes that these particular examples reflect a Buddhist belief in afterlife and ancestor worship.

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Keyword(s): BELIEF ; BURIAL ; CUSTOM ; ETHNIC ; FOOD ; Funeral ; Korean ; RITUAL

Subject headings: CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- Death Funeral Burial

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Belief - Baby/Motherhood:

After delivering a baby, a woman will eat the afterbirth of an animal, so that her afterbirth delivers well.

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James Callow comment:

Original BN [F542] crossed out and replaced with current classification.

Where learned: HOME ; Sturtz, Barbara

Keyword(s): Afterbirth ; BELIEF ; BIRTH ; Child Bearing ; CHILDBIRTH ; Consumption ; CUSTOM ; FOOD ; Placenta ; PREGNANCY ; SUPERSTITION

Subject headings: CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- Birth

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In Belgium, children were baptized when they were 3 days old. When the ceremonies were completed, signified by bell ringing at the church, other children would gather outside the church, at which time, the parents of the one baptized would throw chocolate covered almonds or other candy to the awaiting children.

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James Callow comment:

Original BN [F543, P686, S720, N247, F533] crossed out. Replaced with current classifications

Where learned: PENNSYLVANIA ; 935 FIDELITY DR ; Marcischak, Mrs Helen ; PITTSBURGH


Subject headings: CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- Baptism Naming rite

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Belief: Children

Determining Sex of Unborn Child:

A pin on a thread, if held motionless over the wrist of an expectant mother, can determine sex of child by the motion which it takes up after it is perfectly still. If pin or needle takes up a circular motion than first child weill be a girl. If needle takes up back and forth motion then a boy. If pin stops and then moves again, this can be used to predict the future sex and number of children.

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James Callow comment:

Original BN [P860] crossed out. Replaced with current classification

Where learned: HOME ; NEW YORK ; Sullivan, Virginia ; ROCHESTER

Keyword(s): ANAPEL ; BELIEF ; Biology ; BIRTH ; CHILDREN ; CUSTOM ; Forecasting ; gender ; Ordain ; Pendulum ; Predictions ; SEX

Subject headings: CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- Birth

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Ethnic: Hungarian

Hungarian Wedding:

The informant recalls that on her wedding day, when she returned to her new mother-in-law's home, she was greeted by the mother and asked to recite the "Our Father." When she came to the part "Give us this day our daily bread..." the mother handed her a loaf of bread saying  "no matter how poor you may become, always remember that you will still have a loaf of bread." This is a common Hungarian Custom.

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James Callow comment:

Original BN [S570] crossed out. Replaced with current classification

Where learned: PENNSYLVANIA ; 935 FIDELITY DR ; Marcischak, Mrs Helen ; PITTSBURGH


Subject headings: CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- Marriage

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Ethnic: Polish

Wedding Custom:

Offering bread and wine to newlyweds just before they leave the reception is a traditional way of wishing good luck for them. [sic]

Submitter comment:

This little ceremony was observed at several Polish weddings that I attended.

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Motifs added by TRD

Where learned: Myself


Subject headings: CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- Marriage

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Wedding Custom:

Keep wedding cake (fruit cake) frozen for one year and on the 1st anniversary unfreeze the cake and eat it. this is for good luck and happiness.

Submitter comment:

(small grammatical corrections written on the card - dealing with sentence structure.)

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Motifs added by TRD

Where learned: HOME ; MICHIGAN ; DETROIT ; Kilcullen, Bob ; Kilcullen, Cathy

Keyword(s): Anniversary ; CUSTOM ; FOOD ; LUCK ; MARRIAGE ; WEDDING

Subject headings: CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- Marriage

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Cemetery Practices:

When the informant was a child, he said that one made a day out of a trip to the cemetary. People carried their own sprinkling cans, their own shears for cutting the grass around the gravesite, their own garden tools to plant their own flowers. Most of the time you would take a lunch with you and eat it under the trees at the cemetery.

Submitter comment:

Grammatical corrections made to typed submission.

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Motifs added by TRD

Where learned: HOME ; Schutza, Harold J

Keyword(s): Ancestors ; BURIAL ; CEMETERY ; DEATH ; FOOD ; Funeral ; GARDEN ; Lunch ; Maintenance ; RESPECT

Subject headings: CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- Death Funeral Burial

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Ethnic: Belgium

European Meals:

In Belgium, 4 meals are considered the standard number. First, there is breakfast. Around noon, the big meal of the day occurs. Everyone closes their businesses or comes home from school between 12-1. Around 3-4 there is a snack of bread and butter and jam or the like. And finally, around 7 everyone partakes of a hot meal.

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James Callow comment:

Original BN [N222, N222.4, N222.2, N222.6, N222.8] crossed out. Replaced with current classification

Where learned: PENNSYLVANIA ; 935 FIDELITY DR ; Marcischak, Mrs Helen ; PITTSBURGH

Keyword(s): Belgium ; Consumption ; Dinner ; ETHNIC ; FOOD ; Lunch ; Meals ; SNACK

Subject headings: CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- Measure of time Eating For menu, see N222.

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Craving of Pregnant Woman:

If a pregnant woman has a craving for something and does not get it, the baby will have a birthmark resembling the food that was craved.

Submitter comment:

Informant is a friend's mother, and she remembers this from all her life.

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James Callow comment:


Original BN [P800] crossed out. Replaced with current classification

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; FERNDALE ; Kantz, Mrs Robert

Keyword(s): BABY ; Birthmark ; Craving ; Craving ; Disfigure ; FOOD ; Lore ; Old Wives Tale ; PREGNANCY

James Callow Keyword(s): Reference

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Birth

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Italian Superstition:

Our family doesn't believe this, but my grandmother and some relatives do: when a pregnant woman craves for some specific food, and doesn't satisfy this crave, she will get a beauty mark in the shape of that food somewhere on her body. My cousin has a beauty mark similar to a pork chop and her mother claims to have craved for pork.

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James Callow comment:


Original Bn [P680] crossed out and replaced with current classification

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; GROSSE POINTE WOODS ; Myself

Keyword(s): BABY ; BELIEF ; CHILD ; Craving ; ETHNIC ; FOOD ; Italian ; Old Wives Tale ; SUPERSTITION

James Callow Keyword(s): Reference

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Birth

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Ethnic: German


In German villages it is believed that if a boy has a dog and the dog runs away, then the boy must follow the dog in search of his fortune. If the dog returns without his master, then the boy is dead. If the dog does not return, the boy has found his fortune.

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James Callow comment:

Original BN [P800] crossed out. Replaced with current classification.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT ; Zinser, Jerome

Keyword(s): Boy ; DIVINATION ; DOG ; ETHNIC ; FATE ; fortune ; GERMAN ; Ordaining ; SUPERSTITION

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Mammal

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Superstition: Pregnancy


Cats shouldn't be allowed in the same room as a sleeping baby because the smell of milk on a baby's breath will cause the cat to suffocate the baby when the cat attempts to suck the milk out of the baby through the baby's mouth.

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James Callow comment:

Original BN [P400] crossed out / replaced with current classification

Where learned: HOME ; Lewandowski, Eugenia

Keyword(s): ANIMAL ; ASPHYXIATION ; BABY ; CAT ; CHILD ; DEATH ; FEAR ; Feline ; FOOD ; Kill ; Milk ; Newborn ; Offspring ; Suffocate ; SUPERSTITION

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Mammal

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Superstition: Pregnancy

Cats and Babies:

Many mothers will not leace cats in the same room as an infant. They believe a cat can suck all the aior out of a baby's lungs and kill it.

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Keyword(s): ASPHYXIATION ; BABY ; CAT ; CHILD ; FEAR ; Feline ; infant ; Newborn ; Suffocate ; SUPERSTITION

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Mammal

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Superstition: Pregnancy

Cat Belief:

Never place a baby unattended in the same room as a cat, because the cat will leap up onto the child and take hold of the child's tongue and strangle the child.

Submitter comment:

Informant said she saw a cat do this and was able to save the child before the child expired.

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James Callow comment:

Original BN [P740] crossed out / replaced with current classification

Where learned: HOME ; MICHIGAN ; KALAMAZOO ; Ceru, Mrs. Joseph


Subject headings: BELIEF -- Mammal

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Superstition: Pregnancy


Never let a Tom Cat sleep in the same bedroom with a child, it will take the child's breath away and smother it, killing the child.

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James Callow comment:

Original BN [P549] crossed out. Replaced with current classification.

Where learned: OHIO ; VanEwegen, Catherine ; 2747 Bradford Dr ; LUCAS COUNTY


Subject headings: BELIEF -- Mammal

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