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Ethnic Joke: Newfoundland
Historical record from James Callow Folklore Archive.
A minister is walking down the street of a small community in Newfoundland and runs into a drunk.
Minister: You shouldn't drink so much - you'll never get to heaven that way.
Drunk: I bet I'll get to heaven faster than you will.With that the drunk drops dead in the street and a few days later the minister passes on. The minister finds himself in Hell and asks the Devil for a reconsideration. The Devil lets him make a phone call to heaven to ask why he is in Hell.
Minister: Hello, is this Heaven?
Voice: Yes, this is Mary.
Minister: The Blessed Virgin Mary?
Mary: No - not since that Newfie came up here.
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Submission card located in pile marked [?]
Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT ; Bennett, Al
Keyword(s): DEATH ; DEROGATORY ; DRUNKENNESS ; ETHNIC ; Icons ; Innuendo ; Minister ; Newfoundland ; RELIGION ; SEX ; VIRGIN MARY
James Callow Keyword(s): Newfoundland
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