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James T. Callow Computerized Folklore Archive

Publications by Dr. James T. Callow

Kindred Spirits: Knickerbocker Writers and American Artists, 1807-1855 Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1967. Part of Chapter II has been reprinted in A Century of Commentary on the Works of Washington Irving, ed. Andrew B. Myers (Tarrytown, N. Y.: Sleepy Hollow Restorations, 1976) pp. 412-419.

"Edward Taylor Obeys Saint Paul." Early American Literature, IV (Winter, 1970), pp. 89-96.

With other members of the Bibliography COmmittee of the Modern Language Association (American Literature Section). "Articles on American Literature." American Literature, every quarterly issue from 1963 - 1981. A serial bibliography.

Review of Donald Ringe's The Pictoral Mode: Space & Time in the Art of Bryant, Irving, & Cooper (1971), in Ninetheenth Century Fiction, XXIX (Dec., 1974), pp. 348-351.

"Robert W. Weir and the Sketch Club," in Robert Weir: Artist and Teacher at West Point. West Point: Cadet Fine ARts Forum of the United States Corps of Cadets, 1976, pp. 86-91.

With Robert J. Reilly. Guide to American Literature from Its Beginnings through Walt Whitman: Summaries, Interpretations, and Annotated Bibliographies. New YorL Barnes & Noble, 1976.

With Robert J. Reilly. Guide to American Literature from Emily Dickinson to the Present: Summaries, Interpretations, and Annotated Bibliographies. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1976.

Review of Andrew Oliver's The Portraits of John Marshall (1877), in William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser. XXXV (July, 1978), pp. 592-594.

Articles for Academic American Encyclopedia (Princeton, New Jersey: Arete, 1980): "James Fenimore Cooper," "Leatherstocking Takes," "The Deerslayer," "The Last of the Mohicans," "William Cullen Bryant." Now issued in an electronic version as The New Grolier's Multimedia Encyclopedia.

"American Art in the Collection of Charles M. Leupp," The Magazine Antiques, CXVIII (Nov., 1980), pp. 998-1009.

"William Cullen Bryant and the Early Sketch Club," in William Cullen Bryant and His America: Centennial Conference Proceedings, 1878-1978. Hofstra University, Cultural and Intercultural Studies 4. New York: AMS Press, 1983. pp. 67-83.

"The Computerized Folklore Archive at the University of Detroit." [Detroit: Computerized Folklore Archive, 1984.] pp. 8.

Review of Ann Uhry Abrams' The Valiant Hero: Benjamin West and Grand-style History Painting (New Directions in American Art, vol. 1; Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1985), in The American Historical Review, 91 (June, 1986), pp. 728.

Review of Robert Lawson-Peeples' Landscape and Written Expression in Revolutionary America: The World Turned Upside Down (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988), in The American Historical Review (April, 1990), pp. 580.

Articles for The Encyclopedia of American Popular Beliefs and Superstitions (University of California, Los Angeles -- forthcoming): "Angel," "Guardian Angel," "Angel of Death," "Almond," "Ankle," "Afternoon," "August," "Autumn," "Bee and Beehive," "Bee Sting," "Beeswax."

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