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Ethnic: Belgium

European Meals:

In Belgium, 4 meals are considered the standard number. First, there is breakfast. Around noon, the big meal of the day occurs. Everyone closes their businesses or comes home from school between 12-1. Around 3-4 there is a snack of bread and butter and jam or the like. And finally, around 7 everyone partakes of a hot meal.

Data entry tech comment:

Motifs added by TRD

James Callow comment:

Original BN [N222, N222.4, N222.2, N222.6, N222.8] crossed out. Replaced with current classification

Where learned: PENNSYLVANIA ; 935 FIDELITY DR ; Marcischak, Mrs Helen ; PITTSBURGH

Keyword(s): Belgium ; Consumption ; Dinner ; ETHNIC ; FOOD ; Lunch ; Meals ; SNACK

Subject headings: CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- Measure of time Eating For menu, see N222.

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