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Belief: Children

Determining Sex of Unborn Child:

A pin on a thread, if held motionless over the wrist of an expectant mother, can determine sex of child by the motion which it takes up after it is perfectly still. If pin or needle takes up a circular motion than first child weill be a girl. If needle takes up back and forth motion then a boy. If pin stops and then moves again, this can be used to predict the future sex and number of children.

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James Callow comment:

Original BN [P860] crossed out. Replaced with current classification

Where learned: HOME ; NEW YORK ; Sullivan, Virginia ; ROCHESTER

Keyword(s): ANAPEL ; BELIEF ; Biology ; BIRTH ; CHILDREN ; CUSTOM ; Forecasting ; gender ; Ordain ; Pendulum ; Predictions ; SEX

Subject headings: CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- Birth

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A pregnant woman should avoid being scared or shocked because this will disfigure or mark the baby.


1. During a fire, a terrified pregnant woman grabbed her face with her hands and the baby was born with a red streak on its face.

2. A pregnant woman was scared by a mouse, and her baby was born with a marking on its shoulder similar to a mouse.

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The informant heard of these two instances while she as a young girl in Poland.

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James Callow comment:


Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT ; 5678 TARNOW ST ; Wojtowicz, Mary

Keyword(s): BELIEF ; Biology ; BIRTH ; Birthmark ; CHILD ; FEAR ; FIRE ; Mouse ; Offspring ; Old Wives Tale ; PREGNANCY ; RODENT ; SUPERSTITION

James Callow Keyword(s): Reference

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Birth

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Equidae - Horse Family

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The only informatino given on the card is the BN and the three words.

Where learned: UNKNOWN

Keyword(s): ANIMAL ; Biology ; Classification ; DEFINITION ; Equine ; FAMILY ; HORSE ; Language

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Mammal
SPEECH -- Vocabulary
SPEECH -- Folk Name for Animal

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