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Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse

C | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse
C 30 | Song

Lyric in Verse with Music

C 33 | Daily Life

Cries of Street Vendor

C 36 | Children
C200 | Ballad Epic
Narrative in verse with music.
C300 | Song
Lyric in verse with music.
C320 | Emotion
C322 | Love
C323 | Hate
C330 | Daily Life
For custom concerning daily life, see F530. For vocabulary of special group, see S550.
C334 | Work
C335 | Song

Daily Life: Cries of a street vendor

C337 | Serenade Charivari
Also see F545.134
C340 | Crucial Moment of Life Life Cycle
For dance or custom concerning crucial moment in life cycle, see C434 or F540s.
C342 | Birth
C345 | Marriage
C346 | Death
C347 | Parting
C348 | Nostalgia
C349 | War cries
C360 | Children
C370 | Religious
C400 | Dance
For manufacture of dance mask, see M245. For structure in which dance is performed, see M868.
C422 | Individual
C424 | Couple
C426 | Group
C432 | Adoration
Dance to honor, gain favor, avoid harm from being, spirit, thing, force of nature. Is divided like B200 and B400: C432.465 (like B465) Rain dance.
C434 | Crucial moment of life Life cycle
Is divided like F540: C434.546 (like F546) Death dance. For song, custom, or belief concerning crucial moment in life cycle, see C340, F540, or P540.
C436 | Festival
Is divided like F600: C436.665 (like F665) Harvest dance.
C437 | Medicine
For medical belief, see P700.
C480 | Accessories
Included here also are accessories for D Drama, when considered apart from rest of drama.
C482 | Musical accompaniment
For music itself, see C600.
C484 | Costuming
For materials and methods of making costumes, see M227.
C486 | Properties
Staging effects
C490 | Dramatic
For dramatic game or drama, see C526 or D.
C500 | Game Pastime
Sport For game rhyme, see C750. For structure in which game, pastime, sport is played, see M868. For vocabulary of game, pastime, and sport, see S555.
C520 | Bodily Activity
Include endurance games (Flinch, Red Rover, Tug of War) under C520 until we make room for them elsewhere. But be sure to add the KW Endurance game.
C522 | Athletic sport and exercise Gymnastics
Includes body part, such as Finger game.
C524 | Racing Chasing Fighting
Racing of people, horses, dogs, etc. Fighting of people, bulls, cocks, etc. Includes Tag, Pom Pom Pullaway, King of the Mountain, Crack the Whip, Red Light, Steps.
C525 | Hiding Searching
Includes Hide and Seek, I Spy, and Kick the Can (which also comes under C560).
C526 | Dramatic
For dramatic dance or drama, see C490 or D. Imitative Includes War, Cops and Robbers, Playing House, Follow the Leader, Simon Says. Dialogue Includes Old Witch, Just Like Me, I Ate (Eight) It. Charades
C532 | Wit
C534 | Memory
Includes Buzz, Simon Says, Mother, May I, etc.
C536 | Knowledge
C538 | Guessing
Includes Rock, Paper, Scissors; Odd or Even; Blindman's Buff; Lemonade; Button, Button; Buck, Buck; Punchboard.
C560 | Special Object or Implement

Includes string, rope, kite, stick, paper and pencil, knives, tops, counters, wheels, dice, cards, plate, can, button, eggs, marbles, pins, ball.

    C560.10 | Special Object or Implement

    Game, Pastime, Sport: Includes string, rope, kite, stick, paper and pencil, knives, tops, counters, wheels, dice, cards, plate, can, button, eggs, marbles, pins, and ball.

    C560.40 | Special Object or Implement

    Game, Pastime, Sport: Includes string, rope, kite, stick, paper and pencil, knives, tops, counters, wheels, dice, cards, plate, can, button, eggs, marbles, pins, and ball.

C580 | Water Ice Snow
Boating and water games; sledding and ice games.
C600 | Music
Music itself is classified here. Music with words is classified under C200 Ballad, C300 Song, etc. For musical accompaniment to dance, see C482. For materials and methods of making musical instruments, see M246. For musical instruments as means of com
C700 | Verse without Music
Chanted, recited, written. Such matters as meter, rhyme, poetic structure should bear (as a second BN) the number A760 (standing for Form).
C720 | Narrative Verse
Like C200.
C730 | Lyrical Verse
Divided like C300: C730.329 (like C329) Rime of mockery; C730.334 (like C334) Trade and occupation rhyme; C730.360 (like C360) Children's rhyme; C730.370 (like C370) Prayer Supplication Benediction.
C740 | Dance Verse
Is divided like C400.
C750 | Game Verse
Divided like C500: C750.560 (like C560) Rope jumping rhyme. For game in which rhyme is used, see C500. Use C750.500 for counting out rhyme.

    C750.500 | Game Verse

    Counting-Out Rhyme

    C750.522 | Game Verse

    Athletic Sport and exercise. Includes body parts, such as finger games and arm wrestling.

    C750.560 | Game Verse

    Special Object or Implement: Includes string, rope, kite, stick, paper and pencil, knives, tops, counters, wheels, dice, cards, plate, can, button, eggs, marbles, pins, and ball.

C800 | Verse in Other Group of Folklore
For verse in other category of group C itself, see C700s. We depart somewhat from the Boggs System in the C800s, since the computer does not need decimal extensions in order to find items (such as verse riddles) that straddle genres. For example, when Boggs calls for C880.200 to indicate a proverbial metaphor in verse, you might better label the item with two BNs: V200 for proverbial metaphor and C880 for a proverb in verse. No need to cross reference otherwise.
C820 | Prose Narrative
Divided like B.

    C820.667 | Prose Narrative

    Formula Tale: A story in which the manner of telling is more important than the subject matter.

C830 | Drama
Divided like D.
C840 | Custom Festival
Divided like F.
C850 | Art Craft Architecture
Divided like M.
C855 | Food Drink
Divided like N.
C860 | Belief
Divided like P.

    C860.462 | Belief

    Weather sign or control

    C860.642 | Belief


    C860.740 | Belief

    Means of causing or avoiding illness

    C860.870 | Belief

    Observation, astrology, augury, omen

    C860.880 | Belief

    Fate, Destiny, Luck, Chance, Casting Lots, etc.

C870 | Speech
Divided like S.

    C870.570 | Speech

    Formula: The Boggs System contains no examples here, but the Archive has been using this category for (in Verse): taunts, retorts, oaths, greetings, leave-takings, catches, cheers, monologues, tangletalk, tongue-twisters, and toasts.

C880 | Proverb
Divided like V.

    C880.200 | Proverb

    Proverbial Metaphor: "A new broom sweeps clean."

    C880.300 | Proverb

    Proverbial Apothegm, Maxim: Stated directly in broad, general, abstract terms: "seeing is believing."

    C880.800 | Proverb

    Weather Proverb

C890 | Riddle
Divided like W.

    C890.200 | True Riddle

    Presumably Sufficiently precise in its description to be logically solvable: "Little Ann Netticoat, with a white petticoat, and a red nose, the longer she stands, the shorter she grows - A burning candle."

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