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Ethnic: Newfoundland

Historical record from James Callow Folklore Archive.


A newfoundler was travelling on an airplane. While in flight one of the plane's four engines konked out. The pilot addressed himself to the passengers advising them not to worry because there were still three good engines.

A second engine konked out. The pilot again told the passengers not to worry because two engines would safely get the plane to the air-port. The third engine konked out. The pilot again told the passengers not to worry because they were nearing the airport and still had one good engine.

The fourth engine konked out. The Newfoundler lamented: "Damn, now we'll be in this airplane all day."

Submitter comment:

Informant found the joke amusing.

Informant found this quite amusing.

Data entry tech comment:

BN and Motifs added by TRD

James Callow comment:

Submission card located in pile marked [?]

Where learned: HOME ; McHugh, Paul

Keyword(s): Airplane ; ETHNIC ; HUMOR ; JOKE ; Newfoundland ; Offensive ; Pilot ; STUPIDITY

Subject headings: PROSE NARRATIVE -- Stupid man or woman
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