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V200 | Proverbial Metaphor
A new broom sweeps clean.
V300 | Proverbial Apothegm Maxim
Stated directly in broad, general, abstract, categorical terms: Seeing is believing.
V400 | Blason Populaire
Proverbial saying about peoples or places: It takes nine tailors to make a man. Italy to be born in, France to live in, Spain to die in.
V500 | Wellerism Quotation
Speaker, and context are given. "Every man to his own taste," said the farmer as he kissed the cow. Also use this category for a Tom Swiftie, to which you can usually add the key
V600 | Proverbial Phrase
Can vary subject and tense of its verb to fit its application. Usually is listed in infinitive form: To break the ice.
V700 | Proverbial Comparison
Like a fish out of water. As white as snow. Wiser than Solomon. Scarcer than hen's teeth.
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