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Welcome National Jesuit Student Leadership Conference!


The first Jesuit to set foot on what is now Detroit was Father Jean Enjalran on June 7, 1687. Fast forward 190 years for the establishment of the University of Detroit on April 5, 1877. The church of Sts. Peter and Paul on Jefferson Ave. was given to the Society of Jesus for the purpose  of establishing a college.


By July of 1877, the Jesuits were able to acquire some property across from the Jesuits' residence known as the old Trowbridge property. Some quick remodeling converted the building into a school building, ready for classes the first Monday in September.

I guess at this point you can say the rest is history-you can read all about both the University of Detroit and Mercy College of Detroit histories on the Special Collections University Histories page.

Service and leadership, particularly in the urban environment, are the heart of the educational experiences for the students at the University of Detroit Mercy. The university as well as the City of Detroit has had its ups and downs, but it perseveres none the less. It is in the City's two Latin mottos written by Fr. Gabriel Richard following the 1805 fire that devastated the city: Speramus Meliora and Resurget Cineribus, which mean "We hope for better things" and "It will rise from the ashes.”


It is the hope that the NJSLC 2019 conference theme, "Rising from the ashes", will inspire the young student leaders to recover and grow through acts of kindness.

Permalink Last updated 07/08/2019 by P. Higo

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