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Your search for Saying returned 72 results.
Historical record from James Callow Folklore Archive.
Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT
Keyword(s): SEX
Subject headings: | PROVERB -- Proverbial Metaphor Filter - Mature Content |
Date learned: NOT GIVEN
Hot as a snake
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Where learned: Edmondson, N P
Keyword(s): Hot ; Language ; METAPHOR ; Saying ; SIMILE ; Snake
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Group of Vowels and Consonants, and of Words |
Talk for 30 minutes on his nickle.
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Where learned: Horton, Janette
Keyword(s): Language ; Nickle ; Saying ; TALK
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Group of Vowels and Consonants, and of Words |
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
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Where learned: Harwell, H Q
Keyword(s): Anticipate ; Bridge ; Cross ; Language ; Saying
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Group of Vowels and Consonants, and of Words |
Stubborn as a mule.
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Keyword(s): Language ; METAPHOR ; Mule ; Saying ; SIMILE ; Stubborn
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Group of Vowels and Consonants, and of Words |
Grouchy as a bear.
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Where learned: Harwell, Martha
Keyword(s): Bear ; Grouchy ; Grumpy ; Language ; METAPHOR ; Saying ; SIMILE
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Group of Vowels and Consonants, and of Words |
Crooked as a snake.
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Where learned: Hoy, Linda
Keyword(s): Crooked ; Language ; Saying ; Snake ; Untrustworthy
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Group of Vowels and Consonants, and of Words |
"not n' every a thing"
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Where learned: Harwell, H Q
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Phonology Phonetics |
Stubborn as a billygoat
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Where learned: Harwell, Martha
Keyword(s): Billygoat ; Goat ; Language ; METAPHOR ; Saying ; SIMILE ; Stubborn
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Group of Vowels and Consonants, and of Words |
Blind as a bat.
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Where learned: Harwell, Martha
Keyword(s): Bat ; BLIND ; Language ; METAPHOR ; Saying ; SIMILE
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Group of Vowels and Consonants, and of Words |
Old saying for Italians when they are astonished is "Mama Mia."
It means "My Mother."
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James Callow comment:
Original BN [S550] crossed out. Replaced with current classification.
Where learned: HOME ; Craprotta, Mrs K
Keyword(s): COMEBACK ; ETHNIC ; Italian ; RETORT ; Saying
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Formula |
Proverbial Saying
A dimple in your cheek, Gentle and Meek.
A dimple in your chin, Devil within.
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Where learned: Anonymous
Keyword(s): Apothegm ; DEVIL ; Dimple ; Gentle ; Maxim ; Meek ; PROVERB ; Saying ; VERSE
Subject headings: | Favorites Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Lyrical Verse BELIEF -- Body part Senses BELIEF -- Marriage |
Album Rhyme:
On this page in memory pressed,
May my name forever rest.
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James Callow comment:
I can remember writing this in grade school friends' autograph books.
Keyword(s): Album ; AUTOGRAPH ; Maxim ; PROVERB ; RHYME ; Saying ; Signature ; VERSE
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Verse without Music |
"Dress Eggs"
Term used to label eggs which have been hard boiled then had the yellow removed and mixed with mayonaisse and used to fill the white.
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Where learned: Harwell, Martha
Keyword(s): Deviled ; DRESS ; FOOD ; Hard Boiled ; Language ; Nickname ; RECIPE ; Saying ; Term
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Vocabulary |
Grandma's Black Beads = lines of dirt formed on the neck
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Where learned: Horton, Janette
Keyword(s): Beads ; Black ; Dirt ; Grandma ; Language ; NECK ; Nickname ; Saying ; SLANG ; Term
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Vocabulary |
Term used for those first dates when a parent drives you to or from an activity: Mommy-date.
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Where learned: Smithson, Mrs B
Keyword(s): Chaperone ; DATE ; Drive ; Language ; Mommy ; Nickname ; Saying ; SLANG ; Term ; TRANSPORTATION
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Vocabulary |
Get down off your high horse.
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Where learned: Shearer, Alan
Keyword(s): EUPHEMISM ; Expression ; HORSE ; Language ; Saying ; Snobbery
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Vocabulary of Special Group |
Rob Peter to pay Paul
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Where learned: Shearer, Alan
Keyword(s): BIBLICAL ; Expression ; Language ; Make Ends Meet ; Paul ; Peter ; Saying
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Formula |
Once in a blue moon.
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Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; Shearer, Alan
Keyword(s): Blue ; Expression ; Language ; METAPHOR ; MOON ; Rarely ; Saying ; SIMILE
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Vocabulary of Special Group |
To beat the tar out of someone means to beat them up
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Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; ; Shearer, Alan
Keyword(s): Beat ; EUPHEMISM ; Expression ; Injure ; Language ; Saying ; Tar ; VIOLENCE
Subject headings: | SPEECH -- Vocabulary of Special Group |