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A pregnant woman should avoid being scared or shocked because this will disfigure or mark the baby.


1. During a fire, a terrified pregnant woman grabbed her face with her hands and the baby was born with a red streak on its face.

2. A pregnant woman was scared by a mouse, and her baby was born with a marking on its shoulder similar to a mouse.

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The informant heard of these two instances while she as a young girl in Poland.

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Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT ; 5678 TARNOW ST ; Wojtowicz, Mary

Keyword(s): BELIEF ; Biology ; BIRTH ; Birthmark ; CHILD ; FEAR ; FIRE ; Mouse ; Offspring ; Old Wives Tale ; PREGNANCY ; RODENT ; SUPERSTITION

James Callow Keyword(s): Reference

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Birth

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My brother has a birthmark on his thigh. But my grandmother refuses to believe that it did not come about inthis way: She says that when my mother was pregnant a mouse must have frightened her and she must have grabbed her leg at the thigh, in the place where my brother has the "mouse." Her proof is that my uncle has the same kind of mark in the same place on his leg, and she is sure that she was scared by a mouse when pregnant with him.

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Original BN [P840] crossed out and replaced with current classification.

Where learned: Myself

Keyword(s): BIRTH ; Birthmark ; CHILD ; CURSE ; FEAR ; Mouse ; Offspring ; Scare ; SUPERSTITION

James Callow Keyword(s): Reference

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Birth

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Custom: Animal


The men that work in the coal mines feed the mice in the mines. They do this because the mice save their lives. Just before a mine avalanche, the mice will squeal and scurry on the ground, warning the miners of the oncoming danger.

Submitter comment:

My mother's father worked in a coal mine in Penna. [Pennsylvania?] and actually experienced this.

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James Callow comment:

Original BN [P752] crossed out. Replaced with current classification

Where learned: HOME ; MICHIGAN ; DETROIT ; Majkowski, Catherine

Keyword(s): ANIMAL ; Danger ; Mice ; Mine ; Mines ; Mouse ; OMEN ; Signal ; WARNING

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Mammal

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Poor as a churchmouse

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Located in pile marked Duplicates and Other Rejects

Keyword(s): Churchmouse ; Destitute ; Mouse ; Poor ; POVERTY

Subject headings: PROVERB -- Proverbial Comparison

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Poor as a church mouse

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James Callow comment:

Located in pile marked Duplicates and Other Rejects

Where learned: Fritz, Andy

Keyword(s): CHURCH ; Churchmouse ; Destitute ; Mouse ; Poor ; POVERTY ; SIMILE ; WEALTH

Subject headings: PROVERB -- Proverbial Metaphor

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Belief: Medical

Stand in front of house after losing baby tooth and repeat three times:

Little Mouse Little Mouse
Give me an iron tooth
For this bone tooth.

Then the tooth is thrown over the house in hope that new tooth is stronger.

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Motifs Added By TRD

James Callow comment:

Original BN [P700] crossed out. Replaced with current classification.


Where learned: HOME ; Pitz, Margaret

Keyword(s): BABY ; BELIEF ; Dentist ; House ; MEDICAL ; Mouse ; SUPERSTITION ; TEETH ; Tooth ; VERSE

Subject headings: SPEECH -- Formula

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Data entry tech comment:

Updated on 09-01-11

Where learned: MISSISSIPPI ; BELZONI ; Terrell, Mattie ; 701 Central Ave

Keyword(s): BAD LUCK ; Fix ; Garment ; Hole ; LUCK ; Mend ; Mouse ; Sew

James Callow Keyword(s): MENDING SEWING

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Bad luck Activities

Date learned: 06-06-1973

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