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University of Detroit Football Collection
Title: University of Detroit vs. Washington and Jefferson Program

Date published: 1932-10-07

School Names: University of Detroit; Columbia; Harvard; Notre Dame; Oxford; Princeton; Rutgers; UofD; Washington and Jefferson; Yale

Names: Armstrong, Charles; Atkinson, John; Bader, Paul F; Barbour, Edmund Eddie; Barrett, Dan; Batchelor, E A; Beer, Joseph; Blaznek, Stanley J; Boeringer, Arthur "Bud"; Brazil, Lloyd; Brickler, Charles; Brown, Dr Harvey F; Bubenheim, Carl; Burke, Joseph C; Burkhardt, Fred; Burns, Robert C; Butler, Edward B; Butler, Michael H. "Dad"; Campeau, Walter; Chadwick, George B; Cichanski, Leo P; Cicotte, Hugh J; Cogan, Roy; Conway, Phil D; Cook; Crother, George; Dalrymple, Richard; Deacle; DeMattia, Albert C; Demedowitz; DeWitt, John R; Dorais, Charles E. "Gus"; Duggan, Ignatius; Duke, Paul; Duker, Paul A; Earick; Englehorn, Wesley; Ericus, Albert; Evans, Dan; Felton, Sam; Fife, John; Fife, Rpbert; Flint, Howard; Furjanic; Ganey, Victor; Gray, Basil; Graydon, Thomas; Guiliani, Emmanuel; Hall, Wendell; Harbrecht, Paul P; Headley, Elwood; Heck, Henry; Hess, George; Hogan, James J; Holland, Don; Holt, H C; Howell, George; Howell, John; Isac, Nick; John Zagray; Johnson, Carl; Keane, Dr. William E.; Ketcham, H H; Keys, Paul; King, William; Koenig, Joseph; Koselko, Joseph; Leiber, Maurice; Loyer, Orville J; Maher, Lawrence E; Maki, George E; Malcolm, Douglas; Maloney, Edward J Mal; Marchessault, Arthur J; Marsh, Clifford; Massack, Vincent; McClain; McCracken, Earl; McEvoy, Joseph E; McNamara, James; Melenyzer, George; Mercer, LeRoy; Metras, John P; Metzger, David H; Miko, Steve; Mortell, John T, Rev; Muttkowski, Richard, Dr; Myeres; Myers, Ed; Nader, Tony; Nott, Douglas; O'Neill, William Bill; Oldani, William J; Oxley, Everett E; Pegan, William; Pelletier, Charles; Pennock, Standley; Phillips, John; Pierson, Dean; Poetker, Rev A H, SJ; Popow, John; Port; Pyle, Thomas; Rajkovich, Peter; Rajkovich, William; Reisterer, Norbert; Rhodes, Don; Ripley, William; Rittersbaugh, Arthur; Rizzi, William M; Rockwell, Foster; Rometo; Rosso; Ryan, Harold; Scallen, John, Hon; Schearer, Chris Jr; Schmid, Henry A; Sesny, Walter; Shaffer, G; Shaffer, J; Sharkey, Healey B; Shevlin, Thonas L; Shiple, Rev George J; Skover, Anthony; Skryzcki, Edward J; St Julian, Harold H; Storen, Bill; Storrie, Paul M; Sullivan, Paul G; Tooker, John F; Turashoff, Edwin; Weinandy, John A; Weise, Joe; Wolff, Phillip; Wrathel, W Harvey; Wrathell; Young, Howard C

Keyword(s): University of Detroit; Alumni; band; captain; Cheer leader; coach; director; Football; Official Program; rules; trainer; UofD; Washington and Jefferson

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