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Your search for Detroit, Mi returned 21 results.
Where learned: DETROIT, MICHIGAN
Subject headings: | Person / Nickname |
Date learned: 10-00-1969
Ice Cream Soda
Ice cream soda, ginger ale pop.
Tellme the initals of your sweet
heart. A,B,C, etc.
Submitter comment:
She used to say this when she played jump-rope.
Where learned: DETROIT, MICHIGAN
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse C750 .560 |
Jump Rope Rhyme
Ice cream, soda, ginger ale, pop
Tell me the initials of your sweetheart:
(Then the person jumping says the alphabet
until she misses. The letter on which she
misses is her sweetheart's initial.)
Data entry tech comment:
Informant and collector share the same surname.
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Game Verse
Rope-jumping rime:"John and Mary sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g,
first came love then came marriage then came John pushing a
baby carriage.
Data entry tech comment:
Collector and informant are the same person.
Where learned: DETROIT, MICHIGAN
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Jump- Rope Rhyme
Ice cream soda ginger ale pop
Tell me the name of your sweetheart
A,B,C,.....etc. (The letters of the alphabet were recited in order until the person jumping rope missed. When he(she) missed, he(she) had to name her(his) sweetheart whose first name began with the loast letter recited)
Submitter comment:
Informant and collector share same surname and address.
Where learned: Home of informant in Detroit, Michigan
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Jump Rope Game
While jumping rope say the following;
Ice cream, soda ginger ale, pop
tell me the initail of your sweetheart
Where learned: DETROIT, MICHIGAN
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Jump Rope Rhyme
Dummy, dummy, do, do
Dummy, dummy, dee
I like coffee.
I like tea.
I would like Johnny to chase me.
Submitter comment:
I asked Donna(my sister) if she knew any jump-rope rhymes and she gave me this one. The person's name that you call is suppose to follow after you.
Data entry tech comment:
Informant is the sister of the collector.
Where learned: DETROIT, MICHIGAN
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Ball bouncing
(Said while throwing a ball against a hours)
Plainsy, throw wht bal and catch it
Clapsy, throw the ball and clap and catch it
Twril, around , trow the ball, twirl your hand and catch it
Tobacksy, throw the ball clap hands behnind you and catch it
Right hand, throw the ball catach with right hand.
Left hand, throw the ball catch with the left hand
Touch your heel, throw the ball touch your heel and catch it
Touch your toe throw the ball touch your heel and catch it
Touch the ground, throw the ball touch the ground nad catch it
And Twirl around , throw the ball, twril aroudn adn catch it.
Data entry tech comment:
Collector and informant share the same surname.
Where learned: Detroit, Mi
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Jump rope rhymes
Cathy and Terry sitting in a tree
First comes love
Then comes marriage
Then comes Cathy wit a baby carriage
Submitter comment:
Other names may be substituted as long aas It's is a boys and a girls name.
Data entry tech comment:
Collector does not state what city it was learned.
Where learned: Informant's home in Detroit, MI
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Jump Rope Rhyme
I'm a little Dutch Girl dressed in blue,
These are the things I like to do,
Salute to the captain,
Courtesy to thye king,
Srcu the floor of a dirty submarine.
Where learned: DETROIT, MICHIGAN
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Girls chant "High, low, jolly, pepper," until the jumper misses, If she misses on "high", she must then jump while others turn the rope without touching the ground. If she misses on "Low," they twirl the rope low. If she misses on"jolly," she mus tspin around while jumping. If she misses on "pepper," the twirlers go very fast.,
Data entry tech comment:
Collector and informant share the same surname.
Where learned: DETROIT, MICHIGAN
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Jump Rope Rhyme
Here we come
Where from?
New Oreans
Whats your trade?
Give me some!
Then get to work you lazy bum!
Where learned: DETROIT, MICHIGAN
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Jump Rope Rhyme
Hazel, Hazel
Set the table.
Don't forget the red hot peppers.
When the last lin is read the people turing the rupe speed up.
Submitter comment:
I asked my sister,Danna for any jump rope rhymes she knew. This was on of them .
Data entry tech comment:
Collector is the informant's sister.
Where learned: DETROIT, MICHIGAN
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
How many kisses did she receive?
Down in the valley where the green grass grows,
There sat Mary as sweet as a rose.
She sang,she sang,she sang so sweet;
Along came (Name) and kissed her on the cheek.
How many kisses did she receive?
1 - 2- 3 -....
(Mary Ann & Pat agree ont hte last line, Buty Mariy's version has instead: 5-10-15-.... or 100 -200-300-=...).
Submitter comment:
Pat Sanders and Mary Mieden learned at University of Detroit
Mary Ann Gehringer learned at home.
Data entry tech comment:
Collector and informant share the same surname Gehringer.
Where learned: DETROIT, MICHIGAN
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Down in the valley
Down in the valley, where the green grass gows, there sat (name)
as sweet as a rose. Along came name and kissed her on the cheek. How many did she receive? 1,2,3,4, etc.
When she played jump-rope, she used to say this.
Where learned: DETROIT, MICHIGAN
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Jump Rope Rhyme
All together girls,
Just like the weather girls
Jan, Feb, March, ...etc., etc.
(You jump out on the month of your bofriends birtday, then go back in. )
One, two three, etc.etc.
(Jump out on the date of his birthday)
Where learned: DETROIT, MICHIGAN
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Birdie, Birdie
Birdie, Birdie in the sky
Dropped some white wash in my eye,
Me no baby, me no cry
Me just glad that cows don't fly.
Where learned: Learned at her home in Detroit, Mi
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Rope - Jump Rhyme
blondie and Dagewood went downtown.
Blondie bought an evening gown
Dagewood bought a pair of shoes.
Cookie bought the evening news.
(repeat or continue with ifferent names and articles.)
Where learned: Learned in Detroit, Michigan
Keyword(s): Charactor ; Jump ; Plain
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Jumprope Rhyme
Blondie and Dagwood went to town,
Blondie bought an evening gown.
Dagwood bought a new pair of shoes.
Cookie stayed home to read the news,
And this is what she saw:
(count until you miss- one , two, etc. )
Data entry tech comment:
Collector and informant are the same person.
Where learned: Informant told in Detroit, Michigan
Keyword(s): CHARACTER ; ENDURANCE ; Jump
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Jump Roper Rhyme
Blondie and Dagwood went to town.
Blondie bought an evening gown.
Dogwood bought a newspatger that sadid
"Count to ten 1,2,3,4....10"
Where learned: DETROIT, MICHIGAN
Keyword(s): Character/Endurance/Jump
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |