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Your search for Ashville returned 3621 results.

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Prose Narrative - Weather

When the moon is a half cresent, it's going to rain because the moon is going to tip up and spill the rain out of the corners.

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Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; Morris, Jim

Keyword(s): MOON ; Narrative ; Prose ; Rain ; TALL TALE ; WEATHER

Subject headings: PROSE NARRATIVE -- Air Weather Fire

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If the rain drops hang from the tree limbs - cold weather is coming.

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Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; Brown, Les

Keyword(s): Cold ; Narrative ; PREDICTION ; Prose ; Rain ; Tree ; WEATHER ; WINTER

Subject headings: PROSE NARRATIVE -- Cloud Fog Mist Rain Hail Ice Snow Frost Dew

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If the snow stays on the ground more than three days - its waiting on another snowfall.

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Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; Brown, Les

Keyword(s): PREDICTION ; Saying ; SIGN ; SNOW ; WEATHER

Subject headings: PROSE NARRATIVE -- Cloud Fog Mist Rain Hail Ice Snow Frost Dew

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War Cries

Geronimo! & Bombs Away!

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Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; Morris, Jim

Keyword(s): Bomb ; Historical References ; Holler ; Narrative ; Rally Cry ; Saying ; WAR ; War Cry

Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- War cries

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Verse - Wit

Jungle Bells, shotgun shells
Robin laid an egg
The batmobile lost a wheel
and the Joker got away.


(sung to the tune of Jingle Bells)

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Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; Ivie, Chip

Keyword(s): BATMAN ; Carol ; Christmas Carol ; Comic ; holiday ; Jingle Bells ; Pop Culture ; SONG ; Spoof

Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Wit

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He's busier than a one-armed paper hangar with the hives.

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Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; Morris, Jim

Keyword(s): Arm ; BODY PART ; HIVES ; METAPHOR ; Saying ; SIMILE

Subject headings: SPEECH -- Trade & commerce

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Speech - Professional Group:

At St. Thimas Hospital - the operator will page a Mr. Salamander to come to a certain ward if there's a fire in that ward - so as not to alarm patients and visitors.

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Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; Hibbett, Cheryl

Keyword(s): Code ; FIRE ; FIRE ; HOSPITAL ; Page ; Salamander

Subject headings: SPEECH -- Trade & commerce

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If you stay all night I'll stand ya up in the corner (?)

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Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; Wyatt, Sue

Keyword(s): Corner ; Overnight ; Saying ; VERSE

Subject headings: SPEECH -- Formula

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Thumbing your nose at someone means :"kiss my ass"

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Keyword(s): GESTURE ; RETORT

Subject headings: SPEECH -- Gesture
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Joke - Riddle

What's big and purple and travels under water?


Answer: Moby Grape

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Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; Hibbett, Cheryl

Keyword(s): GAME ; Grape ; JOKE ; Melville ; Moby Dick ; PLAY ON WORDS ; PUN ; RIDDLE

Subject headings: RIDDLE -- Riddle Question

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Riddle - Question

Some months have thirty days some have thirty one. HOw many months have twenty eight?

Answer: all of them.

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Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; Hibett, Cheryl

Keyword(s): CALENDAR ; Dates ; Month ; PUZZLE ; RIDDLE ; Trick Question

Subject headings: RIDDLE -- Riddle Question

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Riddle - Question

How many animals of each species did Moses take on the ark with him?

Answer: Moses didn't build the ark, Noah did.

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Entered by TRD

Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; Wills, Henry

Keyword(s): ANIMALS ; Ark ; Moses ; Noah ; QUESTION ; RELIGION ; RIDDLE ; Trick Question

Subject headings: RIDDLE -- Riddle Question

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My momma didn't have no fool.

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Informant and collector are the same person.

Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; 812 Shelby Ave.

Subject headings: SPEECH -- Vocabulary of Special Group

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"Heap" of something--means a lot of it.

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Informant and collector are the same person.

Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; 812 Shelby Ave.

Subject headings: SPEECH -- Vocabulary of Special Group

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"Pretty much"-- means a good bit.

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Informant and collector are the same person.

Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; 812 Shelby Ave.

Subject headings: SPEECH -- Vocabulary of Special Group

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"Right much" or "right many"--means several.

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Informant and collector are the same person.

Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; 812 Shelby Ave.

Subject headings: SPEECH -- Vocabulary of Special Group

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"No call"--meaning no reason.

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Informant and collector are the same person.

Where learned: TENNESSEE ; NASHVILLE ; 812 Shelby Ave.

Subject headings: SPEECH -- Vocabulary of Special Group

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Fresh as a rose.


Subject headings: SPEECH -- Vocabulary of Special Group

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"What's in the wind?"--meaning, what's happening?


Subject headings: SPEECH -- Vocabulary of Special Group

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To get "wind of it" means to hear of something.


Subject headings: SPEECH -- Vocabulary of Special Group

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