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Your search for Slow returned 6 results.

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Proverb slow as molasses in January.

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James Callow comment:

Dup of WPP

Where learned: HOME ; MICHIGAN ; Mattingly, Frances A ; TRAVERSE CITY ; 240 WASHINGTON ST

Keyword(s): Cold ; January ; Molasses ; Month ; SIMILE ; Slow ; SPEED ; TIME

Subject headings: PROVERB -- Proverbial Comparison

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Pennsylvania Dutch Saying:

The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.

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James Callow comment:

Located in a pile marked Duplicates and Other Rejects.

Where learned: PENNSYLVANIA ; Schwartz, Valentine M ; MAUCH CHUNK

Keyword(s): Behind ; DUTCH ; ETHNIC ; Fast ; Hurry ; Maxim ; PENNSYLVANIA ; PROVERB ; Slow ; VERSE

Subject headings: PROVERB -- Proverbial Apothegm Maxim

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Play on Words

Death is nature's way of telling us to slow down.

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Motifs and BN added by TRD

James Callow comment:

Submission card located in pile marked These don't sound traditional. Do not file yet.

Where learned: Didia, Dominic Jr

James Callow Keyword(s): Calm ; DEATH ; LIFE ; PUN ; Slow

Subject headings: PROSE NARRATIVE -- Jest Anecdote

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Death is nature's way of telling us to slow down.

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Motifs added by TRD

James Callow comment:

Original BN [W200, P666] crossed out. Replacedw tih current classification.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; BIRMINGHAM ; Lund, Robert

Keyword(s): Aphorism ; Apothegm ; DEATH ; Maxim ; NATURE ; PROVERB ; Slow ; VERSE

James Callow Keyword(s): HUMOR ; IRONY

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Death Funeral Burial
PROVERB -- Proverbial Metaphor
PROVERB -- Proverbial Apothegm Maxim

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Motifs added by TRD

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT

Keyword(s): Aphorism ; Apothegm ; DEATH ; Maxim ; NATURE ; PROVERB ; Slow ; VERSE

James Callow Keyword(s): HUMOR ; IRONY

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Death Funeral Burial
PROVERB -- Proverbial Metaphor
PROVERB -- Proverbial Apothegm Maxim

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Death is nature's way of telling us to slow down.

Data entry tech comment:

Motifs added by TRD

Where learned: UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT ; Lucas, Jerry

Keyword(s): Aphorism ; Apothegm ; DEATH ; IRONY ; Maxim ; NATURE ; PROVERB ; SIGN ; Signal ; Slow ; VERSE

Subject headings: PROVERB -- Proverbial Apothegm Maxim

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