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The Ants
The ants go marching one by one: Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching one by one, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching one by one, the little one stops to shoot his gun, and they all go marching down to the earth, to get out of the rain, Boom Boom Boom!
The ants go marching two by two...the little one stops to tie his shoe...
three by three...climb a tree
four by four...slam the door
five by the jive
six by six...pick up sticks
even by seven...go to heaven
eight by eight...shut the gate
nine by nine...check the time
ten by ten...shout THE END!
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Keyword(s): Ants ; Children's Song ; COUNTING ; GAME ; MEMORY ; RHYME ; SONG
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Ballad Epic |