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Town Secrets

There was witches in the town. The people in the town would
tell someone a secret and it would get out and the person that was
told denied telling the secret, so they suspected that there was
witches or spirits in the town. They would get a group of people
to look in the neighbors' back yards and they would discover there
was human skins hanging on the fence. The witches had got out of
their human skins so they wouldn't be known through the community;
therefore they could go around listening to other people
conversation. So the town people decided that there had to be a
spirit around listening, so they would put black peppers in the
skins and when the witches got back into the skins they started
coughing, sneezing and itching so therefore the people knew who
were the liars and gossipers in the town.

Where learned: Rome, Georgia

Subject headings: Favorites
BELIEF -- Witch Shaman

Date learned: 00-00-1950

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