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Color Tag (Game)

The game is played by a group of more than four children, in a
large, outside area. One child is selected to be "It," and begins the
game by counting to ten. The other children run away, and
"It" attempts to catch them. If a child is about to be caught, he or
she can sit down and yell the name of a color. Any colors can be
used, but they cannot be repeated. "It" must either catch a child
before he or she sits down and says a color, or a color must be
repeated in order for "It" to become a player.

Submitter comment: I played this game as a small child with my school friends.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; SAGINAW

Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Racing Chasing Fighting

Date learned: 00001975CA

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