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Historical record from James Callow Folklore Archive.

A Polish gentleman stopped by the other day to
ask permission to hunt on our land. I said it was
perfectly all right with me. I also told him that
if he got lost, just to shoot three times in the
air and I would come find him. The man said that
that sounded great. So he parked his truck in our
yard and went into the woods. His truck stayed
in our yard for three days before the man finally
arrived to get it. I asked where he had been.
The man said that he got lost when it got dark the
first night in the woods. I said, "Well, why didn't
you shoot in the air three times like we agreed?"
The Polish man replied that he did shoot twice into
the air but then he ran out of arrows.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Burt

Subject headings: PROSE NARRATIVE -- Stupid man or woman
BELIEF -- Poli

Date learned: 00-00-1983

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