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"A townswoman was suspected of being a witch. Papa's
sister was sick and no doctor could cure her. They found
a cat in her room. Papa took the cat, put it in a bag,
beat it and threw it in the river. The next morning, they
found the woman (who was thought to be a witch) all
beaten by the side of the river, and Papa's sister got
well. The woman was obviously a witch. (Papa is my father's

Submitter comment: This a verbatim account from Maryann Leisner which quotes
a story that her father, Phillip Melone, tells frequently.
He heard it from his father (in Italian) as he was growing
up, and believes it to be a true story.

Where learned: ILLINOIS ; SKOKIE

Keyword(s): Occult

Subject headings: PROSE NARRATIVE -- Witch Shaman
BELIEF -- Witch Shaman
BELIEF -- Method of Curing
BELIEF -- Conversions Animals
BELIEF -- Control Prevention Provocation Protection P892.1

Date learned: 00001930S

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