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If you leave food uneaten at a big family gathering
you will have bad weather the next day. Conversely,
if you make sure that all the food has been consumed,
you will be sure to have good weather on the morrow.

Submitter comment: Elinor heard this saying while a young girl. She has
been told that it is a German belief. To this day in her
family, the phrase "Finish it so it'll be a good day
tomorrow" is used to encourage everyone to eat.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; FRASER

Keyword(s): function, prediction, celebrations, meals

Subject headings: CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- Measure of time Eating For menu, see N222.
BELIEF -- Measure of time WeekDayHour
BELIEF -- Measure of time Eating For menu, see N222.
BELIEF -- Use of Object Food
BELIEF -- Weather sign or control

Date learned: 00001950S

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