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Rope Jumping Rime

Jean, Jean, Jelly bean

Stuck her head in the washing machine

Her mother cried because she died

And that's the end of Jean, Jean, Jelly Bean

Data entry tech comment:

Informant learned this on the playground in Pittsburg, Penn.

Where learned: Foley Hall Univesity of Detroit

Keyword(s): PLAIN JUMP

Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Autograph Verse C760.560

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Rope Jumping Rime

Dum dum deee oto

I choose  (name)  

Submitter comment:

Informant does not remeber wher she heard this.

Where learned: Foley Hall Univesity of Detroit

Keyword(s): CALL RHYME

Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Autograph Verse C760.560

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Jump Rope Song

High, low, medium, slow, rocky, dolly,bluebells, pepper, 10,20,30....

(until player misses)

Data entry tech comment:

Collector does not state what city it was learned.

Where learned: Univesity of Detroit

Keyword(s): ENDURANCE ; Jump ; Junp ; SPEED

Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse

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Jump-Rope Chant #3

High, low, medium, jolly,peppers

High: rope turned in hight motin

Low: rope turned in low motion

Jolly: rope urned in regular motin

Peppers: rope turned extra fast

 (The object of these jump-rope game is to jump until you miss.)

Where learned: Told at Univesity of Detroit

Keyword(s): Jump ; SPEED

Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse

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