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Belief: Animal


"Hints for the farrier. To tame a wild horse, haltre him and then take the warts from the leg and dry them and pulverize them. Blow the dry powder up the horse's nose. Then take oil of radium and drop a few drops in your hand, rub it over his nose. This will make him follow you and the animal will do anything you wish. I paid Perry Plancher $20 for the secret."

Submitter comment:

Informant given the information by an elderly life-long Northern Michigan resident who saved it from a newspaper of her father's, published in January of 1871.

Data entry tech comment:

Motifs added by TRD

A Farrier is a specialist in equine hoof care.

James Callow comment:

Original BN [P760] crossed out. Replaced with current classification

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Keenan, Mary ; TRAVERSE CITY

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Mammal

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