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Your search for Camp Narrin returned 5 results.
Camp Song, Girl Scouts
This song is used to say goodbye on
the last night of camp.
I want to linger
A little Longer
A little longer here with you.
It doesn't seem quite right
That this is our last night
That this is our last night with you.
And come September
And We'll remember
our camping days and friendship true.
And as the years go by,
I'll think of you and sigh.
This is goodnight and not goodbye.
Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Camp Narrin ; Ortonville
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Children |
Date learned: 06-00-1990
Camp Song, Girl Scout
This song is a round.
A round is a song that is sung by two
groups at the same time.
Each group starts individually
and ends at different times.
This song is about patriotism.
America, America,
Shall I tell you how I feel.
You have given me your riches,
And I love you so.
Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Camp Narrin ; Ortonville
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Children |
Date learned: 06-00-1990
Camp Song,Girl Scouts
This song is used as a round.
Around is where two groups sing the
same song, but begin at different intervals.
This song is about the desire to be married.
Heigh Ho nobody home
Meat nor drink nor money have I none.
Still I will be very merry.
Heigh Ho nobody home.
Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Camp Narrin ; Ortonville
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Children |
Date learned: 06-00-1987
Camp Song,Girl Scouts
This song is taught as a round.
A round is a song where two groups
sing the same song at spaced intervals.
This song originated in England
and is the story of forbidden love.
Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose,
Will I ever see thee wed
I will marry at my will,sire,
at my will
Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Camp Narrin ; Ortonville
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Children |
Camp Songs, Girl Scouts
This song is used as a round.
A round is a song that is sung
by two groups at the same time
but is begun at different times.
This song is about the Girl Scout Trefoil.
My Trefoil, My Trefoil
Can I Tell you how I feel
You have given me your friendship,
And I thank you so.
Submitter comment:
The Trefoil is the symbol for the
Girl Scouts of the United States.
Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Camp Narrin ; Ortonville
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Children |
Date learned: 06-00-1986