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Your search for Berkley , Michigan returned 1 result.

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Jump Rope Rhyme Gipsy

Gipsy, Gispy, please tell me.

What kind of a husband will he be?

Rich man, poor man, beggar man, theif?

Gipsy, Gispy, pleasle tell me.

What kind of ring will it be?

Diamond, Ruby, Saphire?

Gibpsy, Gipsy, please tell me.

What kind of house will it be?

Mansion, castle, cottage?

Gipsy, Gipsy, please tell me.

How many children will there be?

1,2,3,4, etc. (countiune until misses)

Gipsy, Gispy, please tell me.

What colro will my children be?

Red,  yellow,  black,  white.

Data entry tech comment:

Collector and informant share the same surname.

Where learned: Berkley , Michigan

Keyword(s): Charcter ; ENDURANCE ; Jump

Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse

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