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Your search for Arlington National Cemetery returned 2 results.

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According to legend, many of the men from the Confederate
Army that were buried in the cemetery had points put on
their gravestones so has to keep the damn Yankees away
from their graves and they could not sit on them.

Submitter comment: I learned this from my uncle while on a tour in Arlington.

Where learned: Arlington National Cemetery

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Product or activity of man or animal

Date learned: 00-00-1984

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The custom at Arlington on Memorial Day is that all the
graves have a small flag set next to them to signify those
men that gave their lives for what they believe in. There
is also a big ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
with the President or others from our government and
dignitaries from other countries placing a wreath on the
tomb as a tribute to those whose names will never be known
who gave their lives for freedom and liberty.

Submitter comment: Learned from my uncle on a tour there.

Where learned: Arlington National Cemetery

Subject headings: CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- May 31

Date learned: 06-00-1985

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