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Ways to Kill a Vampire

Preventing a vampire from returning to his casket before sunrise by hiding or burning his casket or separating it from its "native soil" will kill him.

Data entry tech comment:

Collector stamped a home address stamp onto the card in the place of "collector data."

Original Stamp: Mrs. W.E. Givens, Jr.

They then crossed out the Prefix and first initials [Mrs. W.E.] and scrawled over the suffix [Jr.]. Indecipherable writing over suffix, but may be Rev. or Esq.


Motifs added by TRD

James Callow comment:

Original Boggs number [P408] is crossed out and replaced with P427.

Where learned: ENGLAND ; 4/72 ; Newman, Tom ; WORCESTER

Keyword(s): Casket ; FIRE ; Undead ; Vampire ; Vanquish

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Werewolf Vampire

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