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Ethnic Joke: Jewish
Descriptions of a Jewish Christmas Card: on the front it has a tree, and strung from the tree, instead of the usually bulbs [sic], it has 32 colored Matzo Balls, and on the top, instead of the star of Bethlehem, it has a Jewish star, not the star adavin [sic], but a picture of Sammy Davis Jr. or Liz Taylor, you can take your pick.
Submitter comment:
Sammy Davis Jr. and Liz Taylor are Jewish movie stars.
Data entry tech comment:
I believe that adavin is supposed to be "of David."
Motifs and BN added by TRD
James Callow comment:
Submission card located in pile marked [?]
Where learned: HOME ; MICHIGAN ; Udkoff, Ted ; 14070 Green Briar ; OAK PARK
Keyword(s): CHRISTMAS ; Decoration ; Distasteful ; ETHNIC ; Hollywood ; HUMOR ; Jewish ; JOKES ; Offensive ; Stereotype ; Tree
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Ill humor Ridicule Mockery |
Christmas Custom
Stringing popcorn and cranberries for Christmas tree ornaments.
Data entry tech comment:
Motifs Added by TRD
Where learned: MAINE ; Hutchison, Anne ; Houlton
Keyword(s): CHRISTMAS ; Cranberries ; CUSTOM ; Decoration ; Popcorn
Subject headings: | CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- Custom |