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Ethnic Joke: Black
Historical record from James Callow Folklore Archive.
Ethnic (Black) Joke
5 Men are on the moon. Because of rocket engine trouble, only 4 can come back to Earth. The captain of the ship proposes a question to be asked to each of the men. If they answer correctly, they return to Earth. If not, they will be left there. He asks the first: "What was the worst sea-going accident of all time?" The crew man replies"The sinking of the Titanic." "Good!" the captain replies. "You have a place with me on the ship." He comes to the second crewman and asks, "how many people died on that ship?" The crew man answers "about 1100 people, sir." "Good!" The captain says. "You have a place on the ship with me." He comes to the third crewman and says "allright nigger, name 'em!"
(Obviously, he didn't make it...)
Data entry tech comment:
Motifs and BN added by TRD
James Callow comment:
The word Negro is written in the top left hand corner of the submission card.
Submission card was located in a pile labeled To Be Classified.
Keyword(s): DEROGATORY ; DEROGATORY SLANG ; Distasteful Jokes ; ETHNIC JOKE ; ETHNIC SLUR ; MOON ; NEGRO ; NIGGER ; RACISM ; Stereotype ; Titanic
James Callow Keyword(s): NEGRO
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- C566 RIDDLE -- W566 Filter - Mature Content |
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Ethnic Joke: Black
Ethnic (Black) Joke:
Did you hear about the accident on the Lodge Freeway Yesterday?
A colored guy stuck his head out of the window while travelling 60 mph, and his lips beat him to death!
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Motifs and BN added by TRD
James Callow comment:
The word negro is written in the top left hand corner of the submission card.
Submission card was located in a pile labeled To Be Classified.
Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT ; TOLD AT INFORMANTS HOME ; Canjar, Michael
Keyword(s): AUTOMOBILE ; DEROGATORY ; DEROGATORY SLANG ; Distasteful Jokes ; ETHNIC JOKE ; Freeway ; NEGRO ; RACISM ; Stereotype
James Callow Keyword(s): NEGRO
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- C566 RIDDLE -- W566 Filter - Mature Content |
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Ethnic Joke: Italian
Two Italians were watching ships in the harbor when a submarine came in. One turned to the other and said,
"Thatsa U Boat."
"No, I justa watch."
Submitter comment:
Informant said that he first heard this at wedding last summer. It took the informant at least ten minutes to tell this joke because he kept laughing.
Data entry tech comment:
Motifs and BN added by TRD
James Callow comment:
The word Italian is written in the upper left hand corner of the submission card.
Submission card located in pile marked To Be Classified.
Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT ; 20295 Westbrook ; Peleo, Cornel
Keyword(s): ETHNIC ; Italian ; Language ; Language Barrier ; Submarines
James Callow Keyword(s): Italian
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Autograph Verse Translations, plays on words, symbol writing RIDDLE -- W566 |
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Ethnic Joke: Italian
Why couldn't Christ have been born in Italy?
There aren't three wise men or any virgins...
Data entry tech comment:
Motifs and BN added by TRD
James Callow comment:
Where learned: MICHIGAN ; WARREN ; Chateau, Anne
Keyword(s): Christ ; ETHNIC ; HUMOR ; Italian ; JOKE ; Off-Color ; Stereotype ; Virgin
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Ill humor Ridicule Mockery RIDDLE -- W566 |