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[SIC] Student Arts Journal
Volume: 24


Student editors: Olekszyk, Paige; Stein, Erin; Torres, Justin

Faculty advisors: Crabtree, Claire, Dr.; Freeman, Emily; Weatherston, Rosemary, Dr.

Cover contributor: Kopp, Alina

Student & alumni contributors: Anonymous; Anonymous; Auten, Emily; Auten, Emily; Carlisle, Alexis; Carlisle, Alexis; Carlisle, Alexis; Carlisle, Alexis; Drumm, Kristen; Drumm, Kristen; Drumm, Kristen; Gonczigsuren, Nara; Gonczigsuren, Nara; Gonczigsuren, Nara; Gonczigsuren, Nara; Jones, Dan; Jones, Dan; Jones, Dan; Jones, Dan; Jones, Dan; Jones, Dan; Jones, Dan; Jones, Dan; Kopp, Alina; Kopp, Alina; Kopp, Alina; Kopp, Alina; Kopp, Alina; Kopp, Alina; Mapes, Gabrielle; Mapes, Gabrielle; Mapes, Gabrielle; Mapes, Gabrielle; Nedanovski, Antony; Nedanovski, Antony; Nguyen, Grace; Nguyen, Grace; Olekszyk, Paige; Olekszyk, Paige; Olekszyk, Paige; Pierre-Louis II, Jean-Luc; Pytel, Robert; Pytel, Robert; Pytel, Robert; Pytel, Robert; Pytel, Robert; Scott, Santana; Stein, Erin; Stein, Erin; Stein, Erin; Stenger, Isabella; Stenger, Isabella; Stenger, Isabella; Stenger, Isabella

Titles: Addir; American Beauty; Angels Shining Down From The Heavens; Bladerunner; Capture the Moment For The Past; Chapter 1: Awakening; Chayim; Classical Construction of a Pentagon; Dapple; Dear Aiden; Depression Debunked; El Salvador; End of Eden; Ethics of the Spoken Word; Extracurricular Activities and Sweethearts; Floating; For Rent; Found: Nana's Personal Chores; Frustration While Watching the Evening News; Gender Jacket; Getting the Goods; Ghost Human; Gibbor; Kings; Let Us Go!; Life's a Beach; Love-struck; Luna; Matchstick; Messy Bun: A Masterpiece; Moments of Emotion; Negative Moments Trickling Away Into The Distance; Nevermore; Olam; On Books and Paiges; Out of Love; Paradoxes; Pole Dance: Beauty, Strength Pride; Primary; RIP Pecker; Ronald McDonald - Trump; Shaddai; Shaddai; Shiplap; Take Notice; Take those old records off the shelf; The "I" Poem that Doesn't Have Anything To Do With Me; The Invincibility of 17; The Man and his Shadow (or the Shadow and his Man); The Uninviting Fire; To The Dad Who Wanted Boys; Tsidkenu; Worms with PhD's; Young and Free

fiction; fiction; fiction; fiction; fiction; fiction; fiction; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; image; poem; poem; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; poetry; Poetry; poetry

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