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University of Detroit Football Collection
Title: University of Detroit vs. St Louis University Program

Date published: 1947-11-15

School Names: University of Detroit; St. Louis University; UofD

Names: Alberts, Dee; Alberts, Lee; Astroth, Bob; Audette, Frank; Aulgar, Bob; Baer, Charles Charley Chuck E; Bania, Dan; Barbour, Edmund J Eddie; Baumeister, Roger; Boisture, Dan; Brazil, Lloyd; Broeg, Fred; Buffa, Henry; Burgess, Ed; Byerlein, Don; Campbell, Joe; Caporal, George; Carten, Tom; Ciesliga, Al; Collins, Tim; Collins, Tom; Conley, Jim; Conti, John; Costello, Thomas; Cribbin, William; Crowder, Jim; Cullen, John; DeChristofaro, Carmen; Dolan, Bill; Donohue, Ed; Downing, Lyle; Duford, W J Dukes; Finnin, Tom; Forsyth, Raymond D, Dr; Garcia, Augie; Goggins, Dick; Greiner, Bob; Greiner, Jerry; Gruber, Wally; Guay, Bill; Haley, Bill; Hausmann, Jack; Hayes, Jack; Hemp, Tom; Herbert, Don; Hertmann, Herb; Heym, Bob; Jackstadt, Lou; James, Stan; Jeakle, Edwin; Jekel, Hugh; Kaysserian, Mike; Kelly, Archie; Kennedy, Pat; Kiely, Chuck; Killmar, Harry; Knoll, Bill; Knoll, Ray; Kurkowski, John; Laboe, Barney; Lanoue, Jack; LeBouf, Joe; Lenc, Joe; Lindahl, Al; Malinowski, Gene; Massey, Jim; McGrath, Dorothy; McKenna, Terry; Millor, William J, Very Reverend, SJ; Mosher, Bob; Mundwiller, Al; Mutual, Jerry; Nagel, Ross; Nestor, Ed; O'Connor, John; O'Leary, John; O'Malley, Bob; Obermeyer, Marv; Ortinau, Nick; Otto, Roland; Packo, John; Pappas, Leon; Perpich, Rudy; Peterson, Harry; Raymond, Don; Reed, Bill; Richardson, Bill; Ripple, Al; Rittof, Len; Rooney, Jack; Shada, John J; Shea, Tom; Shinkel, Al; Shortal, Ed; Signaigo, Ed; Simmons, Jack; Smail, Alex; Smith, Bill; Solner, Bob; Sortal, Harry; Stites, John; Stroot, Jerry; Sullivan, Pete; Sweeney, Bob; Teahen, John K; Viviano, Sol; Wandez, Joe; Weisner, Carl; Welch, Charles; Welsh, Bill; Wernet, Robert; Wismann, Pete; Wood, Ed; Wright, Joe; Wuestling, Jack; Yeager, Floyd; Young, Tex

Keyword(s): University of Detroit; 51 Years of Titan Football; Alumni; assistant; band; Billikens; Billikens First Game; captain; cheerleaders; cheers; coach; director; editor; Football; high scores; homecoming; Looking Ahead; Official Program; officials; penalties; program; record; rules; Schedule; score; songs; St Louis University; statistics; tickets; trainer; UofD; What About the 1948 Titans; What Is a Billiken

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