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Drinking Game: Zoom, Schwartz, Profigliano

The game starts by the leader saying "Does everyone here know how to play zoom schwartz profigliano?," to which all players must respond "yes." He then looks at a player and says "zoom." The zoomed player can either respond "schwartz" to the zoomer or he may zoom another player. He may not zoom his zoomer until two others have been brought into the game. If a person responds "schwartz" to his zoomer the turn stays with the zoomer, who may then either schwartz the schwartzer or turn to another player and say "profigliano," which forces the schwartzer to schwartz again. A miss is called a splivvich. Anyone who makes a splivvich must pay the penalty by chugging a glass of beer. The splivvicher then becomes the leader and the game restarts. There are other rules which are not listed here, as they must be learned by practical experience.


Data entry tech comment:

Informant and collector are the same person.
Informant was born and raised in Pensacola, Florida, where he probably learned this.



Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Pastime

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