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Integration Song

If you don't see me in the back of the bus, if you don't see me nowhere,
Come on up to the front of the bus, I'll be riding up there,
I'll be riding up there, I'll be riding up there
Come on up to the front of the bus, I'll be riding up there.

If you don't see me at the swimming hole, if you can't find me nowhere,
Come on up the city pool, I'll be swimming up there,
I'll be swimming up there, I'll be swimming up there,
Come on up the city pool, I'll be swimming up there.

If you don't see me in the cotton fields, if you can't find me nowhere,
Come on down to the county court, I'll be voting up there,
I'll be voting up there, I'll be voting up there,
Come on down to the county court, I'll be voting up there.

If you don't see me in the picket line, if you can't find me nowhere,
Come on down to the county jail, I'll be waiting right there.
I'll be waiting right there, I'll be waiting right there.
Come on down to the county jail, I'll be waiting right there.



Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT

Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Song

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