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The James T. Callow Computerized Folkore Archive | University of Detroit Mercy Libraries Back to Top
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1) A sailor went to sea,sea, sea
to see what he could see, see, see
but all that he could see, see, see
was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea

2) A sailor went to chop-chop-chop
to see what he could chop-chop-chop
but all that he could chop-chop-chop
was the bottom of the deep blue chop-chop-chop

3) A sailor went to knee, knee, knee
to see what he could knee, knee, knee
but all that he could knee, knee, knee
was the bottom of the deep blue knee, knee, knee

4) A sailor went to ankle, ankle, ankle
to see what he could ankle, ankle, ankle
but all that he could ankle, ankle, ankle
was the bottom of the deep blue ankle, ankle, ankle

5) A sailor went to shoo bop e do
to see what he could shoo bop e do
but all that he could shoo bop e do
was the bottom of the deep blue shoo bop e do

6) A sailor went to see, chop, knee, ankle, shoo bop e do
to see what he could see, chop, knee, ankle, shoo bop e do
but all that he could see, chop, knee, ankle, shoo bop e do
was the bottom of the deep blue see, chop, knee, ankle shoo bop e do

When a different part of the body is mentioned, you touch that part.

see--a type of salute (3 times)
chop--chop on arm (3 times)
knee--chop on knee (3 times)
ankle--chop on ankle (3 times)
shoo bop e do--wind arm around wide (once)


Data entry tech comment:

Informant and collector are the same person.


Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Athletic sport and exercise Gymnastics

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