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Devilish Mary (English Origin)

I once dressed up and went to twon
To court a fair young lady.
I inquired about her name,
Her name was Devilish Mary.

Come-a fa-la-ling, come-a ling, come-a ling
Come-a fa-la-ling come-a dairy.

Me and Mary began to spark,
And she got in a hurry,
We fixed it up that very night,
We'd marry the very next Thursday.

We hadn't been married but about two weeks,
When she got mean as the devil,
And every time I said a word,
She hit me with a shovel.

She washed my clothes in old soap suds,
She filled my bath with switches,
She let me know right from the start,
She was going to wear my britches.

One day I said to Devilish Mary,
"I think we'd best be parted."
Just as soon as I said the words,
Out the door she started.

Now if I ever marry again,
It'll be for love not riches,
Marry a gal about two feet tall,
So she can't wear my britches.


Submitter comment:

Origin mother and father (she thinks).


Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Ballad Epic

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