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Wedding Proverb:

On your wedding day, you should wear something new, something old, and something borrowed.

Submitter comment:

Mrs. Malony learned this when she was a child. She did not know the verse form of the tradition and left out the rhyming "blue."

Data entry tech comment:

Motifs added by TRD

BN chosen because submission card was located in pile - all cards in pile were marked V300

James Callow comment:

Original BN [c880] crossed out. Not replaced wtih any classification.

Where learned: Malony, Mrs Louis

Keyword(s): Aphorism ; Apothegm ; BORROW ; Maxim ; New ; Old ; PROVERB ; SUPERSTITION ; VERSE ; WEDDING

Subject headings: PROVERB -- Proverbial Apothegm Maxim

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