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As children growing up down south, we were forbidden to say any
kind of curse word. So what my cousins and I would do is sing a
song. I can not remember the name of it, but it went like this:
Ikey and Mikey were playing in the ditch. Ikey called Mikey, "You
dirty son of a....
Bring down your children and let them play with sticks. And when
they grow older they'll learn to play with...
Dickey had a party, vited his China Chin. He put it in his tea pot
to teach it how to swim. He swam to the top. Along came a spider
and bit him on his...
Cocktail and gingerale, five center cup. If you don't like it,
I'll shove it up your....
Ask me no more questions, I'll tell you no more lies.
A man got hit with a bag full of grits right between the eyes.

Submitter comment: This was just a child's way of saying bad words without having
to say the actually words. It was a lot of fun back then, but now
I realize how silly it all was.

Where learned: GEORGIA ; Macon County

Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Narrative Verse

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