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Since I was little, the kitchen table always had to be cleaned
before we went to bed at night in case the spirits, especially
those relatives that had passed, wanted to come and have dinner.
The spirits must leave the table the way they found it; therefore,
the table must be cleaned of crumbs, etc., before we go to bed;
otherwise it would be too difficult for the spirits to clean their
crumbs and only leave the ones we had left on the table.

Submitter comment: This custom came from Poland, and even in my house today it is
followed, more out of habit than anything--I never knew the reason
for having been taught to clear off the kitchen table every night.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Mount Clemens

Subject headings: Favorites
BELIEF -- Ghost Spirit Phantom Specter
BELIEF -- Product or activity of man or animal
BELIEF -- Measure of time Eating For menu, see N222.
BELIEF -- Measure of time Sleeping

Date learned: 00001920S

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