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While I was stationed in West Germany, we lived within the
local community. One of our German neighbors presented us with a
house warming gift on a beautiful round wooden platter. The gift
consisted of a ceramic cup full of salt, a pfennig, and a loaf of
bread. The salt symbolized the spice of life, the pfennig
symbolized financial stability, and the loaf of bread symbolized
the absence of hunger.

Where learned: WEST GERMANY ; Neu Ulm

Subject headings: Favorites
CUSTOM FESTIVAL -- Street Trip Relations between relatives, friends, host and guest Social class Rank
Food Drink -- Pastry Sweet Dessert Bread, rolls, etc.
BELIEF -- Mineral
BELIEF -- Street Trip Relations between relatives, friends, host and guest Social class Rank
BELIEF -- Measure of quality Monetary systemMoneyWealth

Date learned: 10-00-1985

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