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Placing baking soda in a watermelon will cause stomach cramps
and diarrhea.

Submitter comment: This informant's neighbor had a watermelon patch. Other
people were stealing watermelons from him. He cut a small hole
on the underside of the watermelon while it was still on the vine
laying on the ground, poured in baking soda, so those stealing
the watermelon would "pay" for stealing from his patch.

James Callow comment: Cf. Puckett, Ohio, no. 27498: "Watermelon and soda bicarb
taken together will kill you."

Where learned: Camben ; Arkansas

Subject headings: Favorites
BELIEF -- Outlaw Criminal Bandit Pirate
BELIEF -- Means of Causing or Avoiding Illness

Date learned: 00-00-1944

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