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It has been said that if you urinate in the middle of the
highway, you'll get a star (pimple) under you eye.

Submitter comment: Everytime I saw someone with a pimple under his/her eye I would
think about this old saying.

Where learned: MISSISSIPPI ; Louise

Keyword(s): Pimple

James Callow Keyword(s): Stye

Subject headings: BELIEF -- Body part Senses Eyes, evil eye
BELIEF -- Body part Senses Specific distinguishing characteristic Dimple, wart, mole, scar, freckle, birthmark, strawberry mark, bruise, spot (on any part of body)
BELIEF -- Product or activity of man or animal
BELIEF -- Street Trip Relations between relatives, friends, host and guest Social class Rank

Date learned: 00-00-1970

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