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The Specialty

The "specialty," is an ice cream dessert created by my younger
sister. It consists of vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce,
marshmallows, peanut butter, whipped cream, and candy sprinkles. The
chocolate and peanut butter are melted together and poured over the
ice cream. The marshmallows are then placed around the ice cream as a
border, and the whipped cream is put on to cover the whole thing.
Candy sprinkles are then scattered over the top, and the "specialty"
is completed.

Submitter comment: The dessert tastes good, but should never be attempted on a full

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; SAGINAW

Keyword(s): FOOD

Subject headings: Food Drink -- Animal product Milk product
Food Drink -- Pastry Sweet Dessert

Date learned: 00001980CA

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