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"Say Say O' Playmate

Say say o' playmate come out and play with me. / You and your
dolly three, climb up my apple tree. / Slide down my rainbow, into
my cellar door, / and we'll be jolly friends for ever more, more,
more, more, more.
So sorry playmate, I cannot play with you. / My dolly has
the flu, she spit up on her toe. / Ain't got no rainbow, ain't
got no cellar door. / But we'll be jolly friends for ever more,
more, more, more, more.

Submitter comment: The first paragraph is the part the first child would sing
to the other child. Then the second child would reply to the
first paragraph with the answer. This was a hand clapping game
for children to play and also was used sometimes as a jump rope

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; Sandusky

Keyword(s): O Little Playmate

Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Children
Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse C750.360
Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse
Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse

Date learned: 00-00-1978

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