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Thirteen as Lucky Number
My lucky number has always been thirteen contrary to everyone
else's belief. Even Friday the thirteenth has always been an
especially good day for me. The reasons that I first chose this
to be my lucky number is that I was born on Friday August 13th, at
8:13 p.m. This was the eighth month, Thirteenth day at 8:13 and I
weighed 8 lbs. 13 oz.
Submitter comment:
She and her family believe that this is her lucky day because
she was born a very healthy happy child on such a superstitious
day. She overcame the bad luck and therefore that day would
always be a special day.
Subject headings: | 686 Specific number by specific number being described 686 Eighths / Eight Favorites BELIEF -- Birth BELIEF -- Measure of time WeekDayHour BELIEF -- Good luck Friday the Thirteenth |
Date learned: 00-00-1988