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St. Peter-St. Paul

This game is one that tests reflex, memory, and intellect. There
must be six or more players, each player is assigned a number, and
everyone forms a circle. One player is chosen to be first. He/she
is named St. Peter. He/she calls a number and that player must say a
name in the bible; if there is any hesitation or if the player gives
the wrong answer (wrong answer is a name not in the bible) he/she is
out. If the player answers correctly he/she calls another player's
number and the game continues. The last player is the winner and
becomes St. Peter.

Submitter comment: St. Peter- St. Paul is both an indoor and outdoor game.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT

Keyword(s): RELIGION

Subject headings: Favorites
BELIEF -- Daily Life

Date learned: 00001970S

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