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The James T. Callow Computerized Folkore Archive | University of Detroit Mercy Libraries Back to Top
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Diarrhea Drip, drip! Diarrhea! Drip, drip!
Some people think it's funny
But they like it hot and runny!
Diarrhea! Drip, drip! Diarrhea! Drip, drip!
Some people think it's nice
And they like it over rice!

Submitter comment: The collector heard this as a child. It's a simple chant
where the last two lines after every "drip, drip" are changed.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT

James Callow Keyword(s): Feces as food ; HUMOR ; ILLNESS ; REFRAIN ; SICK HUMOR

Subject headings: 730 Lyrical Verse
Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Lyrical Verse Lyrical Verse
Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Lyrical Verse Lyrical Verse

Date learned: 04-00-1991

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