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Hand clapping rhyme played by African-American children

Elise is having a baby tidsy tada-way
Well how do you know? tidsy tada-way
Your boyfriend told me tidsy tada-way
Well he's so nosey.
We can do the up-sies up-sies up-sies
We can do the down-sies down-sies down-sies
We can do the freak the freak the freak.

Submitter comment: Hand motions and claps accompany this rhyme
There is also a special little movement that
is done for up-sies up-sies up-sies and down-sies.
Rhythm is very important in performing this rhyme.

Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT ; children in the community

Subject headings: Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse

Date learned: 00-00-1989

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