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Hand clapping rhyme played by African-American girls
Zing Zing Zing like a washing machine
I like coffee, I like tea.
I like the colored boy
and he likes me.
So step back white boy
you don't shine,
I'll get the colored boy
to beat your behind.
Last night, night before
I met my boyfriend at the candy store.
He bought me ice cream,
he bought me cake,
he brought me home with a belly ache.
Mama, Mama I feel sick.
Call the doctor quick quick quick.
Doctor Doctor shall I die?
Close your eyes and count to five.
One, Two, Three, Four Five. I'M ALIVE!
Submitter comment: This game is done with accompanying hand claps.
Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT ; children at school
Subject headings: | Ballad Song Dance Game Music Verse -- Game Verse Game Verse |
Date learned: 00-00-1989