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Bloody Mary
At slumber parties we always used to hear from at least
one person a story about Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary was
supposed to be seen by a person who stood in front of
a mirror, in the dark. The designated person would
stand in front of a mirror anywhere in the house and say
bad things about Bloody Mary. The person would call her
name and say things like "Show yourself Bloody Mary,
or are you too scared?" The person would also call her
names or even swear at her. If the person got Bloody
Mary angry enough, she would appear in the mirror and
cause an injury to the person who had called her.
Submitter comment:
A few people that I knew had enough nerve to do this.
Even though two of the people that did were unaffected,
three of the people I know who tried this came out with
severe scratches on both of her arms, and one also
had severe scratches on her throat.
Where learned: MICHIGAN ; DETROIT
Date learned: 00-00-1980